
OSAKA UNIVERSITY UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education presents Special WORKSHOP Seminar Vol. 2: "Participatory Exhibitions and New Forms of (Academic) Knowledge Production"

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OSAKA UNIVERSITY UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education presents
Special WORKSHOP Seminar Vol. 2


"Participatory Exhibitions and New Forms of (Academic) Knowledge Production"


Date: December 13, 2018 (Thu) 16:00~17:30

Location: Osaka University Human Sciences Dept.
                  Main Building 4F, Rm 44

Speaker: Dr. Inge Daniels

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
University of Oxford


Facilitator: Prof. Beverley Ann Yamamoto


No registration required


From the speaker:

This paper aims to demonstrate the untapped potential of exhibitions as methodological tools to produce new forms of (academic) knowledge that starts long before and that may even continue after the end of an exhibition. It thus challenges the common view that exhibitions are primary research outcomes to disseminate findings with. I will draw on my previous experimentation with the exhibition format as well as a new project that looks at the health and wellbeing of inhabitants of aging blocks of flats, to propose a new model of exhibitions that continuously enlist participation from a variety of actors, both professionals and lay people, to generate new thinking beyond the initial research context and share findings on a much larger scale than standard academic publications.

Contact: Rie OGASAWARA ( r.ogasawara@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp )
                UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education Preparatory Office