OSAKA UNIVERSITY UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education presents Special WORKSHOP Seminar: "The Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing"
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Special WORKSHOP Seminar
"The Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing"
Guest Speaker : Prof. Daniel Miller
Date: October 23, 2018 (Tue) 16:00~17:30
Osaka University
Human Sciences Dept.
Main Building 4F, Rm 41
Speaker: Prof. Daniel Miller
Facilitator: Prof. Beverley Ann Yamamoto
From the speaker:
The Anthropology of Smartphones and Smart Ageing is a multi-sited research project based at UCL Anthropology, funded primarily by the European Research Council. The project employs a team of ten anthropologists conducting simultaneous 16-month ethnographies in Ireland, Italy, Cameroon, Uganda, Brazil, Chile, East Jerusalem, China, and Japan. Launched in October 2017, with fieldwork beginning in February 2018, the aim of this collaborative five-year project is to conduct comparative analysis of the impact of the smartphone on the experience of mid-life around the world and consider the implications for mHealth.
This talk will outline the project’s approach to investigating how people’s relationship to ageing and health been affected by the global rise of the smartphone. Daniel will also talk about the project’s exploratory approach to ethnographic design collaboration, and discuss how this might lead to more culturally-appropriate and effective mHealth interventions.
UNESCO Chair in Global Health and Education Preparatory Office