
Ethnography Lab Open Lecture: Building a Constructive Anthropology


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Osaka University
Ethnography Lab International Workshop and Open Lecture


Open Lecture: Building a Constructive Anthropology


日時: 2019年2月14日(木) 16:00~17:30

場所: 大阪大学大学院 人間科学 研究科 (吹田キャンパス)
北館2階 ラーニングコモンズ

講師: Dr Steffen Jöhncke
Department of Educational Anthropology, Danish School of Education,
University of Aarhus, Denmark



Drawing mainly on practical examples from teaching applied anthropology and from his work in AnthroAnalysis – a research unit of collaborative anthropology – Dr Jöhncke will present models and types of constructive anthropology that moves beyond the idea of "application": It involves a commitment to the practical concerns and challenges of industries and organizations, yet the understanding of problems and solutions is recast in anthropological terms and concepts. It is argued that this approach implies a different conceptualization of anthropological knowledge based in dialogue and praxis, and it points to the need for different formats of teaching anthropology and for the appreciation of a broader set of competencies in anthropology graduates.


Dr Steffen Jöhncke is currently visiting professor in the Department of Educational Anthropology, Danish School of Education, University of Aarhus, Denmark. For more than three decades he has explored the practices and theories of application in what he calls constructive anthropology at the interface between academia and practical challenges experienced by public and private organizations. He has considerable experience in putting anthropological methods and analyses to work in projects with industries, bureaucracies, and NGOs, and he has taught a range of courses on organizational, business related and applied anthropology from graduate to doctoral level.



お問い合わせ: For further details, please contact: nyland-krause@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp