
第34回 人間科学セミナー:「Schools as Community Anchors in Disaster Response and Recovery: Case Studies from the Asia-Pacific.」


第34回 人間科学セミナー
大阪大学大学院 人間科学研究科


Schools as Community Anchors in Disaster Response and Recovery:
Case Studies from the Asia-Pacific.


日時: 2019年6月24日(月) 13:00~14:30

場所: 大阪大学大学院 人間科学 研究科
東館 4F 404教室

講師: Carol Mutch 招へい教授



※This seminar will be presented in English


The Asia-Pacific region is the highest disaster-prone region in the world (Ferris & Petz, 2012). As international organisations, national governments and disaster agencies devote more money and energy to disaster mitigation, it is timely to examine research that highlights under-utilised resources. Schools are one such resource. Literature reviews show that while there is literature outlining what schools should do, limited research has been done on the multiple roles schools and school personnel have actually played in assisting their communities post-disaster and much of what is available is anecdotal and fragmented. This paper reports on seven years of research across six Asia-Pacific countries (Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Nepal, Vanuatu and Samoa) and four disaster types (bushfires, earthquakes, tsunami and cyclones). The combined findings are discussed using a conceptual framework that highlights the concept of schools as community anchors –before, during and after disasters.


主催: 大阪大学大学院人間科学研究科 附属未来共創センター
お問い合わせ: mirai-kyoso@hus.osaka-u.ac.jp