
発達科学セミナー「How children learn to tell lies: Implications for affective artificial intelligence」

日  時2022年05月19日(木)15:00-16:30
場  所人間科学研究科2階ラーニングコモンズ
講  演Dr. Kang Lee, University of Toronto
申込方法 事前申込(Google Form)

主  催比較発達心理学研究分野
共  催未来共創センター

Dr. Kang Lee is a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair, and a professor at the Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, University of Toronto, and a senior scientist at the Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego. Dr. Lee is an internationally recognized authority on the development of lying in children. He has published over 320 scientific papers with over 20,000 citations and an H factor of 78. He is an editorial board member of "Developmental Science" and "Journal of Experimental Child Psychology”. Professor Lee's work has been received worldwide media coverage in such news outlets such as The New York Times, BBC, CNN and NHK, his TED talk has received more than 20 million views.

What if you had a way to use your phone to detect with 85% accuracy whether a person was lying? For nearly 30 years, Professor Kang Lee has studied the development of lying in childhood. His research has led to a new imaging technique called transdermal optical imaging, which can detect facial blood flow on human faces and use this information to measure a variety of physiological and psychological states. Professor Lee's research on child lying has led to legal reforms in Canada regarding the treatment of child witnesses. In this talk, Professor Lee will discuss the major discoveries he has made about the development of lying in children, and how this research led to the invention of transdermal optical imaging and its potential contributions to the advancement of affective artificial intelligence for applications in security, marketing, education, and healthcare.