General Psychology

Experimental studies of cognitive, emotional, and motivational processes in humans

General Psychology

Research Topics
■ Experimental psychology (e.g., cognition, emotion, motivation)
■ Psychophysiology (e.g., EEG, ERP, HR, facial EMG)

Using the methodology of experimental psychology, we aim to elucidate the mechanisms and laws of the human mind. In particular, we take a psychophysiological approach that views the mind from three aspects (subjective, behavioral, and physiological). By measuring electroencephalogram, heart rate, respiratory movement, and facial muscle activity, we are able to capture a wide range of human psychology that cannot be seen solely from questionnaire responses or overt behavior. Another hallmark of our lab is a focus on the biological underpinnings and constraints of human psychological activity. In addition, we are committed to making societal contributions to industry and engineering through these research findings and methodologies.
 We are interested in psychological phenomena rooted in everyday life. Specific research topics include cuteness and "kawaii" emotion, music perception, background music, high-resolution audio, appearance impression, attractiveness, preference, affordance, and embodied cognition.
