Clinical Psychology

Approaching clinical practice and research from various perspectives

Clinical Psychology

Research Topics
■ Cognitive behavioral therapy and empirical research of uncertainty and fear in social situations
■ Research on the function of narrative and memory retrieval in psychotherapy and lifespan development
■ Research on the psychotherapeutic process and curative factors for different stages of lifespan development, psychopathological levels, and sites of psychotherapy

The research track in Clinical Psychology undertakes practical research from diverse perspective on the formative and recovery processes of a variety of psychological problems as well as psychological problems’ nature and connection with related research domains. Graduate students conduct research in an extremely wide range of fields based on their areas of interest.

Professor Nomura uses the perspective of narrative to study effective factors and processes that commonly underlie various psychotherapeutic theories. He is also interested in the functions that everyday narrative and memory retrieval perform in lifespan development and examines the oral life history of old people.

Professor Sasaki has been practicing the clinical treatment of adolescent patients at student counseling office and psychiatric clinics. He is especially interested in cognition and emotions in social situations and conducts empirical research on various clinical psychological problems such as the sense of egorrhea [involuntary leakage of self] using theories and methodology of basic psychology.

Associate Professor Sugao specialises in perinatal psychology, psychological care for perinatal loss including abortion, psychological support in the psychiatric field and parenting support. She also conducts research on mindfulness.

Professor Ishikane specializes in student counseling and engages in clinical practice at psychiatry department(s) and counseling center(s). Based on her clinical experience, Professor Ishikane investigates how therapists/clinicians engage in the therapeutic process depending on patient characteristics and the site of clinical treatment and whether those characteristics could serve as curative factors.

This research track is designated as a Class 1 Designated Graduate Program by the Foundation of the Japanese Certification Board for Clinical Psychologists. Students will receive the eligibility to take the certification exam for Certified Clinical Psychologist by completing the master’s program in this research track and earn required credits.

[Psychological and Educational Counseling Center]
The Psychological and Educational Counseling Center, which is affiliated with the Graduate School of Human Sciences of which this research track is a part, offers clinical practice such as counseling and play therapy to the general public. Graduate students are assigned to cases in the Center and receive training in psychotherapy and psychological assessment.
